
Sunday, March 23, 2014

German Fried Potatoes

I don't think there's a way that I don't like potatoes... mashed, baked, fried, sliced, diced, or smashed, potatoes are just amazing. This little gem of a recipe is not one I make very often because it's really not for the faint of heart or for anyone watching calories. I really only make this about once a year, but no more than twice. Butter, potatoes, bacon.. yeah, it's not a low-calorie dish. But, as a rare treat, it is sooooo very worth the calories! You can use whatever type of potato you prefer and it should work out well for you.

Potatoes (I used about 5 medium sized red potatoes)
Pack of bacon, partially thawed
Medium onion (I prefer yellow)
Butter/margarine (I used 3-6 Tbsp Country Crock)
Salt and peppercorn

Dice the onion and slice the bacon in narrow strips, about 1/2 inch. I actually take the slightly frozen whole stack of bacon and slice through it together. Put the butter, onion and bacon in the electric skillet. Turn the skillet on to 350 degrees, and begin cooking the onion and bacon.

While that is cooking, begin dicing the potatoes in similar sized cubes.

When the bacon is just beginning to brown and darken, add the potatoes, and then sprinkle with salt and fresh ground peppercorn to taste. 

Stir, and then check and stir periodically until bacon is cooked and potatoes have a nice brown crispy edge.

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