
Wednesday, January 1, 2014


I'm going to warn you now, this is the best fudge ever! A friend of mine tried some this Christmas and said, "Well this tastes absolutely sinful." Yep. That completely describes Easy Fantasy Fudge. That's what the recipe my dad gave me called it. I'm not sure where he got it... package of marshmallow cream? Package of chocolate chips? Yeah, I just don't know. All I do know is that this is the way my daddy made fudge, and I loved it. So this is how I make fudge, and it continues to receive good feedback, especially from my daughter. I actually had to tape up the container of fudge this year because she was going through it so fast! lol

1 1/2 cups butter (plus more for the pan)
6 cups sugar
1 1/3 cups evaporated milk
24 ounces semi-sweet chocolate chips
13 ounces puffed marshmallow cream
2 cups diced walnuts
2 tsp vanilla

Grease one 13x18, two 9x13, or three 9x9 pans with butter. In a large pot mix butter, sugar, and milk and heat over medium-high heat.

Bring to a boil. Boil stirring constantly to prevent scorching for five minutes, or until temperature on a candy thermometer reaches 234 degrees.

Remove from heat. Gradually stir in chocolate chips until melted.

Add vanilla and marshmallow cream and mix until smooth.

Add walnuts and mix well.

Pour into prepared pan(s). Let cool at room temperature. Cut into squares.

While it is not necessary, I store my fudge in the fridge. I prefer the firmer texture that having it chilled provides.

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