
Monday, October 14, 2013

Blackberry Frozen Yogurt

There are two things my daughter likes that you're just not going to find me eating - yogurt and most fruit. There's only a handful of fruit that I'm willing to eat - cantaloupe, grapefruit, oranges, Red Delicious apples, and a handful of others. My sweet girl, on the other hand, will eat just about any fruit - guava, papaya, star fruit, dragon fruit, peaches, mango, plum, all apples and pears, grapes, and, of course, all types of berries. In helping to feed my girl's fruit fetish, I found this recipe online for Creamy Blackberry Frozen Yogurt, and decided to give it a try for her. So far, so good. She said she liked, so yay for me! And on top of that, this recipe is super duper easy and required no "freezing" like traditional ice cream, so double yay for me!

3 cups fresh blackberries
3 cups yogurt cheese (or Greek yogurt)
1 can sweetened condensed milk ( 14 ounce can, it's fine if it's a bit more or a bit less)

In a blender, puree the blackberries with the sweetened condensed milk.

In a medium bowl mix the puree with the yogurt - I used vanilla yogurt.

Pour the mixture in to your container and freeze.

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