
Thursday, April 25, 2013

Fried Green Tomatoes

Southerners are all about frying food... meats, vegetables, desserts. Nothing is sacred when it comes to Southerners and frying. And what could be more Southern than fried green tomatoes? I don't much like tomatoes actually. They're soft and full of seeds, and they kind of gross me out. I love all sorts of tomato products though - salsa, marinara, ketchup. A fried green tomato though is pure genius. So much flavor. I've talked to people who used flour. Some use only cornmeal. I've played with mine over the years and this is how I decided was best to make them.

Green tomatoes

Slice the tomatoes thinly. Lightly salt and pepper both sides of the tomato slices. Prepare an egg bath. I used three eggs and a dash of milk (probably a tablespoon or two). Whisk until blended.

Put your bowls in order of dipping toward the skillet - flour, egg wash, cornmeal.

Take each slice and dredge both sides through the flour; submerge the tomato slice in the egg wash; then liberally coat it with the cornmeal on both sides.

I fry my tomato slices in olive oil. Cook until golden on both sides.

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