
Sunday, March 17, 2013

Crockpot Shredded Chicken

I mentioned in my last post that I love Mexican food. Even Americanized Mexican food. Any day of the week. So, I planned to fix a late birthday dinner for my sister, and she sent me a recipe for tacos and said she wanted chicken. Well, I can do chicken, but there were ingredients on the recipe that I didn't even know what they were, and was pretty sure Walmart wouldn't carry them. So, I went on a search to find a chicken taco recipe that we could both live with. I made them today, and by the verbal accounts and the amount of chicken left, I think I did okay! Here's the link to the original recipe I ended up sort of following: Crock Pot Chipotle Chicken. I did make quite a few adjustments to this recipe. I knew I wasn't going to use that much chicken, so everything is altered. Here is what I used:

1 lb (or so) of boneless, skinless chicken  (I bought a really think sliced breast that would cook faster)
1/2 can black beans
1/2 can corn kernels
1 cup chicken stock
1 medium jalapeƱo
1/4 (or so) diced onion
1/2 tsp lime juice
garlic powder, cayenne pepper, chipotle pepper, paprika, black pepper

I began by rinsing off and cutting any fat chunks that remained on the chicken. I also rinsed off and drained the beans and the corn. Place the chicken pieces in your crock pot. Pour 1/2 a can of black beans and 1/2 can of corn over the chicken. Add the onion and jalapeƱos (I knock out some of the seeds to reduce the heat but keep the flavor). Measure out 1 cup of chicken stock, add the lime juice, and pour mixture over chicken, beans and corn. Now here's sort of the tricky part. I didn't actually measure any of the other spices. I used probably ABOUT 1/2-1 tsp garlic powder, 1/2 tsp cayenne and chipotle, 1/4 tsp paprika and black pepper. Listen carefully - about... I did not measure these, so tread lightly and adjust to your own taste. 

Cook in the crock pot for about 4 hours. I started mine shortly before 8 a.m., and by 11:30 a.m., most of the juice was cooked out and the chicken was beginning to shred. By 12:15-30 when we ate, it was dang near perfect. To help with the shredding, take two forks and pull the chicken apart. Let me know if you try it and what you do different!

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