
Sunday, March 31, 2013

Cauliflower Soup

I love cream soups - cream of leek, cauliflower soup, cream of asparagus. It's a great way to get some vegetables in your diet, and they make for an enjoyable light dinner. This recipe was passed to me from my mom. I think she got it from our German friends who used to own a cafe, but I'm not positive. Here it is.

Cut off the base and greenery from your head of cauliflower. If it's too big for your pot, you can cut it in half. Cover with water and boil until the cauliflower is fork tender. Remove from heat and remove cauliflower to cool, but keep the water stock. Once the cauliflower is cool, cut it up to your desired size. My mom always kept the florets rather large. I mangle mine into bite-size pieces.

Then we make the base of the soup next. Mom's recipe only calls for about 2-3 Tbsp of butter and flour, but I used a whole lot more - probably 1/2 to 1 cup of butter. Melt it in the soup pot. Add enough flour to create a roux. Add some of the water stock, about a cup or two, and whisk until smooth, and then add enough of the stock to fill about half the pot.

Bring mixture to a boil, then reduce heat. If it's not thick enough, and it probably won't be, pull a cup or so of the liquid and put in a bowl or cup. Add flour until thick and then slowly add the mixture back to the soup pot. Whisk well to ensure a smooth consistency. Do this however many times you need until the soup begins to thicken to the consistency you want. Once complete, add the cauliflower, and be sure not to boil the soup again.

Right before serving the soup, mix one small container of heavy whipping cream and one egg yolk, and add to the soup and mix well. 

You will probably want to add some salt and pepper to the soup while it's still in the pot. It's only cauliflower, water, flour and butter, so it can be pretty bland by itself. I use Maggi seasoning in my bowl of soup and I love it. This soup really hits the spot, and it's pretty inexpensive to make.

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