
Sunday, March 3, 2013


So... I have fallen in love with Pinterest. I'm not getting married. I'm not having a baby. I've never been much into fashion or difficult hair styles, and I don't even bother to paint my fingernails because it never lasts more than a couple of days and then it looks like dookey. 

Nope, my love centers around beautiful photos and... recipes! Because of all the food pictures I've posted to my Facebook page of my own baking and cooking, a number of my friends have suggested that I start a blog. I'm not convinced that I actually know enough to be a source of knowledge to anyone else, but I love baking and cooking. And I'm willing to experiment and try things I've never done before. So maybe, someone can learn from MY mistakes. lol

So on this blog, I will document my baking and cooking and Pinterest recipe attempts. I will offer plenty of photos and tell you what I did wrong and what I did right. Hopefully you, the reader, will find something useful out of all of this.

Thank you for visiting and taking the time to read my ramblings. Happy cooking!

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